This Sunday in ‘De Gezonken Meesters‘ (Sunken Masters) I will recreate a lost painting of Adrieaen van Ostade, a Dutch Golden Age painter. I partake in this Dutch TV-show as one of two master-painters going through this proces. It will air: Sunday 23 Februari 20:30 Nederland 1 (Afterwards here can be found a link to see it online) In Dutch from Meesterschilders ...
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welcome to the upcoming festive opening : 12 th of May!
Read it here (and subscribe if you want) Read about the new events this Spring: Grand Opening coming up! and two more expo’s: Autrevue and colab with Stadsgallerie!
7 works to be seen (publicly open) at Plaza Sportiva a fancy and grungy place.
January 28th of 2024 will be the opening day for: the winter salon, Pictura, Groningen. Several varied works of multiple artists (mostly paintings) are on show. Welcome! I have two works which can be seen: In the Presence of an Angel / In Kannen en Kruik. Dutch: Deze winter verloopt voornamelijk grauw, grijs en nat, maar niet bij Kunstlievend Genootschap Pictura in Groningen. Daar presenteren ...