
You are currently browsing posts of the "newsletter" category.

Newsletter October

Newsletter (in Dutch), with the following: Feature, van deelname masterclass, door the Fine Art Collective De les ‘Ontmoet de meester’ van Noorderateliers start eind October korte impressie les aan de Klassieke Academie Lezing over eigen werk en werkwijze voor collega’s bij SOOS050, vrijdag 26e Read it here.

Newsletter July

The July newsletter has arrived and can be viewed online here. You may subscribe to it to receive it by e-mail below (in the footer).


Bas Nijenhuis Fine Arts

Painting the unseen. The attempt to capture the intangible. To distill what fascinates in abstract brushstrokes of oilpaint. Going beneath the surface…


Gedempte Zuiderdiep 142

Groningen, the Netherlands


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