News for December ’23 Time for change: Read the newest art Bulletin here! <- click on the Title or picture to see more December 16, 2023
Kunst aan de Vaart (Art at the Canal in Assen) This weekend: expositions and music in Assen, around the Vaart (the canal). I am there at Vaart Z.Z. 9, 9401 GE Assen (Dermacare) September 4, 2023
EXPO UMCG solo; currently open Click on the image to go the new bulletin December about this for more details. December 5, 2022
Expo upcoming: Italian Dreams at gallery Autrevue A special festive opening at 10-9 of Italian Dreams, with special guest Simon Pasini. Several paintings and art works on display. Reserve a spot for the opening at: September 1, 2022