Bas Nijenhuis

You are currently browsing posts written by Bas Nijenhuis.

As Seen on TV

This Sunday in ‘De Gezonken Meesters‘ (Sunken Masters) I will recreate a lost painting of Adrieaen van Ostade, a Dutch Golden Age painter. I partake in this Dutch TV-show as one of two master-painters going through this proces. It will air: Sunday 23 Februari 20:30 Nederland 1 (Afterwards here can be found a link to see it online) In Dutch from Meesterschilders ...

News Bulletin Spring

Read it here (and subscribe if you want) Read about the new events this Spring: Grand Opening coming up! and two more expo’s: Autrevue and colab with Stadsgallerie!  

Wintersalon Picture Groningen Expo

January 28th of 2024 will be the opening day for: the winter salon, Pictura, Groningen. Several varied works of multiple artists (mostly paintings) are on show. Welcome! I have two works which can be seen: In the Presence of an Angel / In Kannen en Kruik. Dutch: Deze winter verloopt voornamelijk grauw, grijs en nat, maar niet bij Kunstlievend Genootschap Pictura in Groningen. Daar presenteren ...


Bas Nijenhuis Fine Arts

Painting the unseen. The attempt to capture the intangible. To distill what fascinates in abstract brushstrokes of oilpaint. Going beneath the surface…


Gedempte Zuiderdiep 142

Groningen, the Netherlands


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